Independence Bank

Get prequalified for an SBA loan in minutes through our easy app.

Applying for a loan has never been so easy. Our intuitive application process is entirely online and entirely easy to complete. You are 15 minutes away from submitting to a lender that can help!

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Thousands of Borrowers trust the SBA to get it Right!

Our network of SBA Lenders have approved thousands of applications with decades of experience. Rather than submitting into a black box, the lenders carefully work through your information to get you approved!

Why Sign Up?

ITS FREE! There is never a charge to you. This website is free and easy to use. Simply create an account and start answering questions and you are likely to increase your approval success!


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SBA Approvals

We’ve pulled together some common questions from the SBA

How are women-owned ventures financed?
How are veteran-owned ventures financed?
How important is credit card financing to small firms?
How much debt do small businesses carry?
How much capital do startups need?
How do existing businesses finance expansion?
How are new businesses financed?
What percentage of small businesses use financing?
How large is the small business financing market?
Why do small businesses seek financing?
How much debt do small businesses carry?
Independence Bank

Find the Right Lender for the Right Loan.

Sign Up today to get started with SBARight to see if you are potentially qualified for a SBA Program.

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SBA Disaster Programs

The SBA has loans available for up to $2.5M to help with businesses that have been affected by COVID-19 and other Disasters. Sign up with SBARight to help find a Program for you.

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SBA Paycheck Protection Program

The Payroll Protection Program, also known as PPP, allows certain businesses to be potentially eligible for up to 2.5X times their monthly payroll. The Loan may be forgiven if spent for payroll, rent, mortgage, utilities or other eligible uses.

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